When I asked people, what is their biggest challenges to achieve their goals?
Some answered “PROCRASTINATION”.
Procrastination is something that we all are struggling with, right? It blocks us from moving forward to get closer to the goals that we set for the year.
I learned over the years that procrastination is not a character of ourselves, but more of a habit. So if it is a HABIT, then, there’s a TRIGGER that’s causing this habit.
In the case of the procrastination habit, the trigger is usually STRESS.
So, whenever you found that you are procrastinating in your task, project or achieving a goal, usually something is STRESSING about it that you are procrastinating.
RECOGNIZE what is stressing you. Face it, LIST down the next five actions you can take. Then, CHUNK it down into smaller task, and TAKE the next possible actions.
Chunking bigger tasks into smaller and more manageable tasks makes it easier to handle the stress that creeps up in the project we’re working on.
InsyaAllah, by taking the small actions, you’ll be one step closer to whatever greatness you set to achieve.