May 20, 2021 | Mindset

It is easy to look at other people’s lives and be dissatisfied with our own lives. We fall victim to the power of social media. Comparing our lives with others is easier than ever before, and we easily feel unhappy with our life.⁠⁠
What good does it make? ⁠⁠
Instead of looking at the picture-perfect photos of others, why not look at the real-life in front of us. ⁠⁠
One of the habits that I’ve developed over the past 6 years is journalling. At first, it felt awkward, it feels like complaining about my life to something that couldn’t give me feedback. So what’s the point?⁠⁠
But after a while, I found the journalling prompts that helped me move forward to get closer to the life of my dream (and still do). ⁠⁠
Try this.⁠⁠

My Five Journal Prompts!

Find a quiet window of time where you are alone. It might take 15 to 30 minutes. Write this down:

1. Three things that happened to me that I am grateful for today⁠⁠
2. Three joyful moments (as small as getting a kiss 😘  from your kids)⁠⁠
3. Three things that I’ve done well today (sometimes we criticized ourselves too much without acknowledging the efforts that we’ve made)⁠⁠
4. Three things that I’ve learnt today ⁠⁠
5. Three actions that I can make tomorrow to make progress on my goals⁠⁠
This is a very simple habit. But once mastered you could unlock so much potential within yourself. ⁠⁠
Best of luck, babes! ⁠⁠
You deserve to be happy 😉⁠⁠