Season 1, Episode 24
How to Find Your Cheerleaders
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In this episode, I’d like to share with guys how to choose the right cheerleader in your life. After you have decided, what goal that you have you want to achieve this year, how can you choose the right coach or the right mentor to get you there?
If you’re not sure if coaching or mentoring is right for you, or what to expect from such a relationship, then stay tuned.
Before you start looking for professional coaching and mentoring, like all professional services, you need to pay for it. Like what I’m doing right now, I get paid for my service. It’s quite a known fact about that, right?
However, there are so many other options too, it is still available for you guys who are not quite ready to commit to investing in a coach. The percentage for you to succeed in this goal that you have is not really determined by whether or not you have the right coach or you have the right mentor.
The reality is that how much you are committed to it?
How much time do you devote to really achieve your goal?
And commitments are the most important thing.
What are the outcomes or performance, improvements that am I looking for?
What am I prepared to put into the program in order to achieve these outcomes?
And how will I manage my time and energy to put into practice the changes I identify through coaching or mentoring.
If you really want to go after the life that you want, you have to implement whatever that you are learning and take action every day. And that’s how you can get to the goal that you want.
If you don’t learn how to manage the time and energy and really put into practice whatever thing that you have learned, you’re not going to see any results.
Choose to read books
When I start to invest in my self-development, I start slowly. My first choice was to read books, up to the point that I think that I have, like so much information.
And I don’t have time to implement the things that I have learned from these awesome books that I read. So that’s when I learned that it’s not that the number of books that you consume, that will determine whether you achieve your goal or not. Actually, you have to implement whatever that you have learned.
When I learn something from a book, I really try to implement whatever there is suggested and see whether it turns out okay or not. I mean, whether it is applicable for my life, right?
Most of the times books can give you all of the motivation that you need to get started in.
The reality is that all of the things in the world that have been gone through by other people have been documented, whether it’s in a book, in a website, in a blog, in videos, you can learn so many things from these already available things around you.
When it comes to being really consistent and being accountable and committed with whatever that you want to achieve. Having a cheerleader that sees you and your progress is what makes the difference.
How to choose the right coach for you?
1) The structure, content, and delivery style
Before you start to invest in a coaching program or involve in a mentoring program, look at the structure and length of the program. Ideally, a program should be designed to suit your precise needs in terms of the structure and content and the style of delivery, and overall duration. Some program doesn’t really show you what exactly that you might get from that program, especially in the coaching program because usually it is tailored to your own needs. Therefore, sometimes you cannot find it from just visiting the website, you have to contact the coach or the mentor that is available and connect with them and see whether they can help you with the challenges that you’re facing.
2) What’s your objective?
If you feel there is a discrepancy between what you want to achieve and your available budget or time, consider breaking down your objectives into individual goals or steps, which you can approach step by step. This means that instead of investing in a long-term program, you can invest in a smaller coaching program.
Having that like step by step approach, and invest in it step-by-step so that once you’re comfortable with the next level of achievement that you want to go, you can invest and start working on it.
For people who are not used to using money as a way for them to grow, you might feel resistance around this. Meaning that some might think that this coach or this mentor could solve your problem, though the reality is that no, they will not solve your problem.
The solution is actually inside of you.
But coaches help you to dig deeper and bring it out from yourself and questions everything on the challenges that you have and ways to move forward so that you can work towards the goal and achievement that you want to achieve.
3)The delivery method
The next thing to consider is the delivery method. Whether it is via face to face, or is it via video calls, or is it a telephone call? Or is it an online meeting, and these are things that would choose the way that suits you, because if you want to invest in a certain program, let’s say it’s a six-month coaching program. If you cannot bear watching, I mean contacting someone through this, like an Online Zoom meeting, then the effectiveness of the program likely reduces for you because you are not being able to be totally comfortable with that condition.
4)The coach professional developments and credentials
Look at the professional developments and credentials related to coaching. And the testimonials and feedbacks from people before you. Also, look at the coach and mentor in their life experience and how they incorporate other disciplines like management, or business skill, psychology, or anything into their coaching practice.
And the most important thing is to be satisfied that they are right for you, and will give you the right service to move you forward. As, for me, I always invest in a coach that I know can give me the right service, meaning that they know what they are doing. They might have probably have gone through that route that I want to go so many times before this.
Also, the success story of people that they have coached before this. All these increase the chance for me to invest in them more instead of a person who may be a more famous coach, but I don’t see whether their service quite fits with the needs that I want.
If this is the problem; you don’t see the fit between you and your possible coach, then you might as well not continue with the coaching program, because you’ll be wasting your time and the coach will also be wasting their time too. Because you don’t fit together here.
Therefore, before starting investing, make sure that you are satisfied with whether or not their service is right for you.
Do you really need a professional coach or not?
Or a mentor? You do not need a coach in your life? But, the right question here is, “do you WANT to have a coach in your life who is an expert in their field and can help you with the goal that you have?”
Learn to self-coach yourself too
And you can also self-coach yourself to success too. One of the question that I like to ask myself every day is that..
“What’s the one thing that I can do today to achieve my goal with excellence? “
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Sign up for the FREE Training “5 Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make to Reach Your Life Goals” on draliahmajid.com/on-demand
Thank you so much for tuning in this week and remember,
Subscribe for inspiration; start your day with intention, love what you do, and end your day with gratitude!
If you like this episode, check out this episode next:
The Mindset You Need to Cultivate to Achieve Success.

Dr. Aliah Majid
Success & Productivity Coach
When it comes to work-life balance and making productivity works for you, I’m your girl!
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